Mercado Libre

MercadoLibre, Inc. is an Argentine company headquartered in Montevideo, Uruguay, incorporated in the United States that operates online marketplaces dedicated to e-commerce and online auctions, including As of 2016, Mercado Libre had 174.2 million users in Latin America, making it the region’s most popular e-commerce site by number of visitors. The company has operations in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Spain, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Panama, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
My responsibilities in the company were:
• Design: Participation in the design of APIs, data flows and monitoring for the company’s new product, which is productive in Mexico, Argentina and Brazil.
• Development and deployments of APIs: Participation in the development in Golang language of APIs core, services, transaction and wrapper, with unit tests, integration and linting tools, for the new product, connect to a base of data of type Key-Value -Storage and Search of Documents. Putting the different APIs into production and in charge of monitoring them.
• Monitoring of metrics: Supervision of metrics of the different APIs in charge.
• Mentor: I mentored two backend developers who started working on our team. I was in charge of presenting them the tools, the product and business aspects. Once embarked on the project, they are supervised in terms of development and task management.